Whoever you are, Kind Reader, you have the opportunity to be part of a transformative quest to change lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals. Your motivations may vary. Your contributions may vary, too. We may need your voice and outreach. Your contacts. Your knowledge. Your skills. Your time.


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The gift of a new life

You can also offer the most beautiful gift possible to a transgender person: the gift of a new life!

It is likely you don’t need Imago anymore. Maybe you left horrors of gender dysphoria behind you and enjoy delights and wonders of living life as your true self? I am happy for you! But there are many not that fortunate, often under the line of poverty, who cannot escape the trap and suffer greatly. Please help me help them! 

Rarely in real life one can touch somebody’s miserable fate with a magic wand and turn their tears of sorrow and despair into tears of joy – but you can! To cover a setup of Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy for a stranger, please use this link (you can purchase as many therapies as you like!)

But maybe you have a friend or loved one, a person you know you wish to support? If so, please follow the above procedure, respond to our automated email with payment confirmation, and tell us who is it for and whether or not you wish your act of generosity to be anonymous.

Reasons to support Imago


Some types of human experience can be very well understood on a theoretical level - but imagining them will never come close to real experience. Grief after the loss of a loved one, falling in love, heartbreak, suicide, psychedelic trip - you can be a very empathetic and well-informed individual, but full understanding only gives experiential knowledge. I am not outraged that many people find it difficult to understand gender dysphoria. Maybe you are one of them? Maybe you even find it scary or bizarre? Conduct the following thought experiment: imagine that your body was drastically modified against your will, you see a completely different person in the mirror, someone of a gender different to your own. The feeling of being trapped in someone else's body is immensly painful and claustrophobic. Imagine that you are desperate to reclaim your true self, but instead, you are met with a merciless system that tells you to wait 3-5 years for a bunch of (typically) hostile, incompetent, and condescending strangers who usurp the authority over as fundamental component of your identity as gender - and who happen to hold absolute power over your fate.
How would that make you feel? Would you still dismiss it as a mere whim or a "choice" of gender?

Hate for injustice

Though I have grown significantly from the unempathetic person I was in my teens to someone who deeply values compassion, my empathy for disadvantaged transgender individuals remains my second greatest source of motivation. What drives me now - and has almost always driven me - is my profound abhorrence of injustice. Consider this: if a cisgender woman seeks her 50th plastic surgery, the system does not question her decision or probe into her mental health. Yet, when a transgender woman requests just her first procedure - merely to avoid being misidentified as male - she is subjected to a humiliating process: as a who is not incapacitated person, she is forced to challenge the assumption that she must have a mental disorder - just because she is transgender.

Reason and Science

Do you share the conviction that reason and science are the most effective tools for uncovering reality and distinguishing truth from delusion? Decades of scientific research have consistently affirmed the life-saving benefits of GAHT. Among the most critical findings: GAHT significantly reduces depression and suicidal thoughts on a large scale. Furthermore, only 0.48% of those surveyed de-transitioned due to a mistaken identification of their gender. GAHT has one of the lowest regret rates among all medical treatments.

Contrary to the persistent pseudo-scientific narratives spread by the uneducated and the manipulative, there is a clear scientific basis for how some individuals become transgender, and it is rooted not in sociology, but in biology. Research indicates that this development occurs in the third trimester of fetal life, influenced by the hormonal balances of the mother. Transgender people are born trans, it's a fact. But whether to torture people for being born trans, or to support and protect them, it is a moral choice for the societies.

Human rights

I regard the concept of human rights as one of humanity's most glorious and noble achievements. The egregious violations of these rights by barbaric and cruel totalitarian regimes are indeed appalling. Yet, the far less visible transgressions within the very cultures that birthed the idea of human rights often fail to provoke the same outrage. A system designed to mechanize the slaughter of thousands rightfully evokes horror—but a system insidiously crafted to drive second-class citizens to despair, even to the point of taking their own lives, is met with little more than a collective shrug.

Oppose deceptive propaganda

You may find yourself compelled to stand against the triumph of the Kremlin’s deceptive propaganda. Much of the hateful far-right rhetoric targeting LGBT+ rights is nothing more than a regurgitation of lies conceived in Moscow. The LGBT+ community serves as a convenient scapegoat and internal enemy a group that Putin hates nearly as much as Ukrainians. In Russia, LGBT+ individuals are stripped of their basic right to exist, and live in constant terror. The so-called "solution" crafted in Russia has become a primary source of influence for anti-LGBT movements within the EU.

Many of the falsehoods spread about trans individuals are classic examples of "Soviet inversion" a particularly insidious form of deceit perfected under Stalin’s regime and vividly depicted in Orwell’s 1984. Standing against this narrative is not just about defending human rights; it is about resisting the spread of a dangerous ideology that seeks to undermine truth and justice across the world, and replace it with totalitarianism.

Divide et impera

Perhaps the suffering of LGBT+ individuals isn’t something that deeply concerns you, but are you not outraged by Putin’s divide et impera strategy against the West? It is a well-documented fact that over the past two decades, the Kremlin has poured vast sums of money and intelligence support into numerous far-right organizations and propaganda networks across EU countries, all designed to sow hatred and misinformation. The most ferocious and effective adversaries of LGBT+ rights—politicians, lawyers, priests, and others—often have deep, shadowy connections to Russian agents, mobsters, or even Putin’s inner circle. Many have been exposed as having accepted Russian funds or as collaborators with those intent on undermining Western unity and spreading division.

Fight discrimination

Gender dysphoria, much like homosexuality was in decades past, is no longer classified as a mental disorder. Yet, mentally healthy individuals are still forced to endure years of waiting to be subjected to psychiatric evaluation. Gender dysphoria is a deeply personal experience that cannot be validated or dismissed by external authority. “If someone says, ‘my arm hurts,’ we typically trust their claim. We extend this trust because we recognize that individuals have epistemic authority over their own mental states—an intrinsic authority over their own knowledge.”

Imagine the outrage if we required someone claiming, “my arm hurts,” to undergo psychiatric evaluation before receiving treatment simply because they are black. Such an act would be deemed discriminatory and would incite widespread protest. Yet, discrimination against transgender and non-binary individuals remains largely invisible, much like the prejudice that oppressed other marginalized groups in decades past.

Triumph of the good-willed

There’s something I "shouldn’t" admit, as it may not serve well for publicity—but in the spirit of honesty and transparency, I will. I tend to hate humanity for the way the world is, for all of the suffering, injustice, and triumphant stupidity. Yet, I compel myself to hold onto hope, to seek out the goodness in people. It’s a rare occasion when my cynicism is proven wrong, but when it happens, it’s nothing short of extraordinary. Wouldn’t you want to be both witness and participant in such a triumph of reason, kindness, and goodwill?

Slap patriarchy

I once had an extensive business network, much of which was scorched the day I publicly came out. The venture capital world is steeped in toxic masculinity - a closed circle, a bros club. Women founders are seldom embraced, let alone trans women. Some VCs entertained my proposals but ultimately turned me away due to the influence of transphobic partners or major investors. The patriarchy thrives, and while I cannot not single-handedly dismantle it, you can help me strike a blow against it and prove its days are numbered.

Help truth prevail

Regardless of your personal views, you may find it a moral imperative to stand in defense of truth. Countless lies and pseudo-scientific claims have been engineered and disseminated by two of the most deadly enemies of LGBT+ individuals: Putin and the Vatican. Dehumanizing campaigns are directed at far-right extremists, like the Polish president Andrzej Duda, who declared that lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and trans individuals are "not people." Meanwhile, campaigns sowing seeds of doubt are aimed at those with moderate views—individuals who may lack the time to meticulously verify every claim that seems plausible to common sense. It is crucial that we help truth prevail in the face of such insidious efforts.

Against trampling human dignity

You may be moved by the plight of those whose dignity has been trampled. History has shown us that any characteristic can be weaponized to strip individuals of their humanity. All it takes is relentless propaganda to dehumanize a group and cast them as enemies.

Moral obligation

Moral obligation may be your call to action. At the core of my ethical framework lies Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative, encapsulated in the principle: "Act as if the maxim of your action were to become a universal law." Embracing this principle has profoundly enriched my life, serving as an unwavering moral compass and a straightforward path to becoming a better person.

I do what I do because I envision a world where others care for one another’s well-being with the same dedication. I yearn for a society where the guiding principle is not merely the pursuit of profit, but the maximization of happiness and the minimization of injustice and suffering. I aspire to live in a world where people are committed to creating meaningful change, far beyond the superficial acts of posting on social media.