We fully embrace and utilise scientific approach

By far the most effective and only appropriate method for discerning reality from delusion

Facts: Extensive scientific research conducted over the past two decades has yielded consistent results and conclusions regarding GAHT. Among the most significant findings: GAHT dramatically reduces depression and suicidal thoughts on a large scale. Prior to hormone therapy, an average of 67% of trans individuals regularly experience suicidal thoughts. This number drops to only 3% after receiving the therapy. GAHT is a life-saving treatment. Additionally, only 0.48% of surveyed subjects reported regretting their decision about their gender which makes it one of the lowest regret rates among all medical procedures.

We respect your dignity and human rights

The only acceptable model is the Informed Consent Model. You have sole authority over decisions regarding the very foundations of your identity. We will under no circumstance infringe your rights.

Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights guarantees the right to respect for one's "private and family life". As the ECHR is ratified by all EU countries, it holds the force of law throughout the entire European Union. Numerous verdicts from the European Court of Human Rights repeatedly highlight that EU member states severely violate the human rights of trans individuals.

Particularly egregious are the dehumanizing and humiliating practices within healthcare systems that compel mentally healthy individuals to undergo psychiatric evaluations and face external commissions armed with absolute power (which corrupts absolutely) over their fate to "prove" their gender identity. No appeal from the life-breaking verdicts of so often cruel, petty, and malicious ignorant bureaucrats in disguise as medical professionals.

While the flagrant violations of human rights by the barbaric and cruel regimes of totalitarian countries are universally condemned, the more unobvious infringements within the very culture that conceived the concept of human rights often escape scrutiny. A system designed to systematically exterminate thousands of people rightly provokes widespread horror. However, a system insidiously designed to drive second-class citizens to despair and suicide often prompts a mere indifferent shrug.

It is imperative that we recognize and address these pervasive violations within our own societies, as they undermine the very principles of human dignity and respect that we claim to uphold.

We provide services with care and compassion

We see each individual as a human being deserving of attention and respect. We want you to feel heard, and we are here to hear you. We put our hearts in Imago.

The great majority of our members deeply value this approach, however no community is unanimous. Some consider it unprofessional of us to have and show emotions. If you want your clinic to be cold, distant, and depersonalised – Imago may not be the best choice.

We build relationships with our members based on mutual respect

The only way of treating another human being is as a subject and not an object. You are a person to us, a valuable individual, but not a unit of fiscal value or a source of revenues. Please be kind and reciprocate. We are human beings, not robots. We have feelings, too.

Be considerate of other members of the community!

I am very serious about it. Acting selfish and hurting other members of the community will never be treated lightly.

One of the central ideas for Imago that distinguish it from other clinics is solidarity

Our persecutors, enemies of liberty and the idea of human rights, are not strong as such, they are strong with our divisions and indifference. They are ready to go great lengths to strip us of our rights and dignity. Are we even remotely close to being equally determined to at least look after one another?

Do not worry, storming barricades is not an obligatory condition to join Imago. But even the smallest acts of support will be greatly appreciated. Your contributions matter. Are we doing something wrong? Don’t be silent – help us improve and fix our errors. Are we doing great job that changed your life? Please be kind to those who were not fortunate enough to find us, help us spread the word. We’d rather spend money on therapies for those under the poverty line than on online marketing. Can you spare a little of your time or skill to making a difference in our fight against the oppressive systems? It will be welcome with gratitude!

Feedback is a gift

I encourage criticism. We cannot improve without it. We may agree or disagree – but we will always be grateful and take your remarks into consideration.

We practice radical honesty – and it works both ways!

However “outrageous”, “insane”, or “impractical” this choice was considered to be by both medical and startup environments, permeated with lies and deceptions, we take pride in telling the truth, even and especially when it’s inconvenient. It is, of course, gladly used against us by various unkind entities. But we will keep reporting our shortcomings, failures, or dilemmas.

During the time when we were flooded with new requests greatly exceeding our capacity while I was desperately trying to recruit doctors, I told every single patient before they made their decision I could have only promised my best effort – but I couldn’t have guaranteed the outcome. Currently, we are a strong and growing organisation with a number of specialists onboard. But the above always stays true: it is impossible to predict how legislation changes or a multitude of other factors. No honest and responsible clinic or doctor can provide guarantees. There is always some dose of uncertainty and irreducible risk. That being said, we already helped hundreds of patients, and I can repeat my promise: Imago is the most important venture and mission of my life, I would rather die than abandon it.

But we not only offer honesty – we expect it from you. Providing treatment of such a sensitive character demands mutual trust. We, especially our doctors, must be able to trust you. It is their professional duty to be cautious, and they would be exposed to risk if they provided therapy to someone who was not honest with us.

We aim at being as transparent as possible, but we do not disclose everything. You have the same right. But please never provide us with false information.

We will always put social impact over profits

I cannot stress this enough: Imago has its business model but it is not a profit-maximising business; it is a community-powered platform designed to empower us to challenge and change hostile legislations and practices in a large scale.

“Just sell me prescriptions, no questions asked, here’s my money”. No, we will not. We provide a fully legitimate medical process based on the international Standards of Care.  And please do not use the money argument with us. Our integrity is not for sale.