Quarterly Bulletin #01

Zofia Radosław

Zofia Radosław

July 7th, 2024 – 5 min. read

A book with Imago Clinic logo and a transgender flag, titled Quarterly Report #01

Dear Imago Members and Supporters,

I am pleased to present the first release of my quarterly report, a bulletin detailing the most significant events at Imago during this period. This report will cover issues we have resolved as well as those we are still addressing. I will candidly discuss our failures and celebrate our triumphs in delivering the community care you deserve. Additionally, I will share some of our plans so that you know what to expect, and at times, I will disclose my own doubts when faced with difficult choices or decisions.


  • In just three months, a relatively unknown and niche clinic has become one of the major European providers of trans healthcare. We have navigated an enormously intense period of acceleration. Hundreds of people were saved from being deprived of hormones and forced to detransition.

  • A passionate team has formed, and multiple allies have offered their support. This team, which I have always dreamed of, consists of idealists who share my values and are determined to pursue our cause. Within a week, two of our new team members will introduce themselves, one of whom is a vocal dysphoria coach. Additionally, we have concluded a partnership deal for affordable permanent hair removal.

  • No prescription was left rejected, even in famously trans-hostile countries.

Some Statistics

  • Average delivery time for registered postal letters with prescriptions is 12 days, with the shortest delivery taking only 4 days.

  • The waiting time has been reduced from approximately 6 weeks to less than 3 weeks.

  • The response time has been reduced from approximately 90 hours to 50 hours.

  • In May, less than 20% of prescriptions were sent within 48 hours. In June, over 70% of prescriptions met this standard.


  • Due to a request overload in May and our desperate attempts to improve rapidly, errors were inevitable:

    • When switching to a new system, we lost information about one patient, resulting in them receiving their prescription after 47 days.

      [On a side note, they were extremely considerate and assumed it was because other patients needed emergency care more urgently. We aim to respond within 48 hours, but if we are delayed for more than 7 days, please contact us again!]

    • One patient received their medical appointment information only minutes before the visit.

      [Coincidentally, this was the same person who waited so long for the prescription.]

    • The system change resulted in the permanent loss of blood test results for three patients, which had to be resent.

Issues to-be-fixed

  • Some people experienced technical problems with sound during their video calls with us.

    [Expected to be fixed by 12.07]

  • The mechanism we use to receive your blood test results is not user-friendly for either you or us.

    [Expected to be fixed by 21.07]

  • Managing time zones has been a particularly nerve-wracking problem for both parties.

    [Fixed for introductory calls on 29.06 and expected to be fixed for medical appointments by 12.07]

  • At least five patients experienced transphobic discrimination at pharmacies while trying to fill their prescriptions. Two of them successfully insisted on the pharmacists adhering to the law and filling the prescription, while three received their medications from another pharmacy.

  • In Sweden, some medications or forms of medications needed for feminizing therapies are being made unavailable for patients by pharmacies.

  • "Your website doesn't look pro!"

    [Expected to be fixed/redesigned by 11.08]

Challenges and Goals

  • In July, we will fix the most common and annoying issues.

  • By September, we plan to present the first version of our own IT solution, aiming to elevate the quality of trans healthcare experiences to unprecedented heights. Our community deserves nothing less.

  • We will not let transphobic GPs and pharmacists get away with their revolting behaviors. We will hold them accountable for their reprehensible actions, which they only dare to commit because of their sense of impunity. Developing an effective solution will take time, but now that I have secured medical care for you, this is one of my top priorities.

    [If you have experienced a transphobic incident, prescription-related or not, you are welcome to book a session with our psychiatric counselor. We have decided to make the first session free of charge. Your well-being is one of the very few things we prioritize higher than ensuring transphobes are properly punished.]

Moral Dilemmas

  • With great reluctance, I have accepted Google Meet as our platform for video calls. I am fully aware of their trans-hostile policies and the damage they have caused. However, we cannot be at war with everyone, and we need to pick our battles wisely. Thus, I chose the lesser evil, as the alternative would be offering patients inferior technology and all the associated problems.

Final Word

Despite the extreme exhaustion and stress, the past few months have brought some of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I have been deeply moved by your beautiful words and acts of support and encouragement. There are no financial benefits that could ever compare to witnessing your happiness, joy, relief, and the gratitude I have received from so many of you. Nothing I have ever achieved in business compares to being able to make a difference of this magnitude. It is euphoric to finally focus on maximizing social impact over profits and to do something truly meaningful.

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