An introductory call - what to expect?

Zofia Radosław

Zofia Radosław

July 18th, 2024 – 2 min. read

Zofia Radosław, founder of Imago

A great majority of us have been grievously mistreated by public healthcare systems, and I understand that some of you might feel anxious before your first encounter with Imago. Allow me to ease your fears!

The essence of this call is for you to get to know Imago and myself, to share our vision and values, and for us to get to know you. We are well aware of the sophisticated cruelty exhibited by many official gender institutions, which have abused their absolute power, denying people their basic human rights to live according to their identities based on preposterous and unscientific reasons. It seems fair to say their existence is centered on ruining as many trans lives as possible. In stark contrast, our purpose is to help you flourish. We will go above and beyond to find ways to support you and provide you with life-saving treatments. Our doctors take the Hippocratic Oath seriously.

When I founded Imago, it was crucial to avoid a cold, clinical, and medical atmosphere - I wanted you to feel welcome, safe, and at ease, as if at home. I envisioned Imago as a community, not just a clinic. Based on your feedback, it seems we have achieved that.

Welcoming each patient personally holds immense value for me. While this may not be sustainable in the long run, I am committed to doing it for as long as possible.

The format of this call has evolved over time. Currently, it consists of two parts. The first part is my speech about Imago's purpose and long-term vision. Reluctantly, I am preparing to transition this to our website, which means the second part will become the focus. Of all the initial elements, one always stood out as the most important: your story. I could name a number of vital but still secondary reasons for hearing your stories, like learning the diversity of trans experience would definitely be one of them; like, ensuring everyone’s safety and being able to offer help to those who lack it. But there is one main reason. Imago is about you. You matter; your experiences and feelings matter, and you will always find a listening ear here. It is heartbreaking to know that, for some, I am the first person who has ever cared to listen. But you are not alone anymore!

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